You are currently converting Density units from Pound/Gallon to Pound/Cubic Foot
4300 Pound/Gallon (lb/gal)
32166.23377 Pound/Cubic Foot (lb/ft³)
Visit 4300 Pound/Cubic Foot to Pound/Gallon ConversionPound/Gallon : Pound per gallon is a unit of density in the US customary and British (Imperial) systems. Its official symbol is lb/gal. In the US customary system, it is equal to 119.83 kg/m³. In the British (Imperial) system, it is equal to 99.78 kg/m³.
Pound/Cubic Foot : Pound per cubic foot is a unit of density which is a US customary units. One pound per cubic foot is equivalent to 16.02 kg/m³. Its symbol is lb/cu ft, or lb/ft3.
Density Conversion Calculator
Convert From : lb/gal Convert To : lb/ft³ Result :4300 Pound/Gallon = 32166.23377 Pound/Cubic Foot
1 pound/gallon (lb/gal) is equal to 7.48052 pound/cubic foot (lb/ft³).
1lb/gal = 7.48052lb/ft³
The Density p in pound/cubic foot (lb/ft³) is equal to the Density p in pound/gallon (lb/gal) times 7.48052, that conversion formula:
p(lb/ft³) = p(lb/gal) × 7.48052
How many Pound/Cubic Foot in a Pound/Gallon?
One Pound/Gallon is equal to 7.48052 Pound/Cubic Foot:
1lb/gal = 1lb/gal × 7.48052 = 7.48052lb/ft³
How many Pound/Gallon in a Pound/Cubic Foot?
One Pound/Cubic Foot is equal to 0.13368 Pound/Gallon:
1lb/ft³ = 1lb/ft³ × 0.13368 = 0.13368lb/gal
How to Convert 5 Pound/Gallon to Pound/Cubic Foot?
p(lb/ft³) = 5(lb/gal) × 7.48052 = 37.4026lb/ft³