Inches to Feet Conversion (in to ft)
1 in = 0.083333333333333 ft Swap conversion» Feet to Inchesin: Inches, ft: Feet
How Many Feet in a Inch?
There are 0.083333333333333 feet in a inch.
1 Inch is equal to 0.083333333333333 Feet.
1 in = 0.083333333333333 ft
Inches Definition
An inch is a unit of measurement in the American Standard of measurements. Twelve inches equals one foot. The inch is further divided into smaller units. There are 16 units in one inch. Each unit being one-sixteenth of an inch (1/16th inch). These small 16 units are grouped into larger units called: 1/8th inch which consists of 2/16ths (2/16ths being mathematically reduced to 1/8th). Two of these 1/8th units are 1/4th inch (also commonly called a quarter of an inch). Two of these 1/4th divisions equal ½ inch (again, 2/4ths being mathematically reduced to ½). Next, three ¼ inch units equal ¾ (commonly termed “three quarters of an inch). And finally, 4 1/4th units equal 1 inch.
Convert InchesFeet Definition
A foot (pl. feet) is a common length unit used in Imperial system and the current US customary unit system. A foot is equal to 0.3048 meter. This unit of length has been used in Europe since the times of the Roman Empire and ancient Greece. A foot has 12 inches, and 3 foot make a yard. The abbreviation for foot is ft.
Convert FeetAbout in to ft Converter
This is a very easy to use inches to feet converter. First of all just type the inches (in) value in the text field of the conversion form to start converting in to ft, then select the decimals value and finally hit convert button if auto calculation didn't work. Feet value will be converted automatically as you type.
The decimals value is the number of digits to be calculated or rounded of the result of inches to feet conversion.
You can also check the inches to feet conversion chart below, or go back to inches to feet converter to top.
Inches to Feet Conversion Chart